Am gestrigen Donnerstag hat die Gesellschafterversammlung der gematik die finale technische Spezifikation für das TI-Produkt eHealth-CardLink beschlossen. Die European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) begrüßt die Möglichkeit, elektronische Verordnungen zukünftig auch volldigital per eGK ohne zusätzliche PIN-Eingabe einlösen zu können, ausdrücklich
Der European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) begrüßt den deutschen Referententwurf (RefE) für das Digital-Gesetz (DigiG), mit der Zielsetzung die digitale Transformation des Gesundheitswesens zu beschleunigen und konsequent weiterzuentwickeln.
Brüssel/Berlin, 23.02.2021 – Der führende Verband der europäischen Online-Apotheken hat ein neues Vorstandsteam, einen neuen Namen und einen neuen Außenauftritt.
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) initiated a new alliance of patient organisations and industry stakeholders – OnHOME Alliance, with a view to showcasing the benefits of enabling patients to access prescriptions medicines online. So far, 10 signatories have joined the alliance, with more expected to co-sign the call to action in the coming weeks
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) warmly welcomes the adoption of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation by the European Parliament, following the approval of the draft text by the Council of the EU. For the first time in history, an EU law recognises online pharmacies as key actors in the healthcare system, granting access to the newly created EU health data sharing infrastructure and avoiding further discrimination when delivering healthcare services to their patients
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes nine new leading online pharmacies, part of the German Group, as new members of the Association. The membership base of the EAEP reaches 35 leading online pharmacies operating in 19 European markets
EU HEALTH SUMMIT 2022: TOWARDS AN EU HEALTH UNION – The EU Health Coalition is delighted to invite you to its 3rd EU Health Summit to map the future of the European Health Union.