European Association of


As the European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), we represent the interests of our members and safeguard the needs of our members’ patients and customers. We inform the public in a transparent manner, enter into a dialogue with politics, business and market partners and leverage our concepts to strengthen the European healthcare sector and lower costs through digitisation.

The members of the EAEP are pioneers in providing digital solutions that continuously improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare for Europeans.

We combine our members’ voices in position papers and encourage interaction and knowledge sharing.


Millions of customers across Europe are currently being supplied by our members. Our online pharmacies and their employees are currently active in eighteen European markets.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, our member’ e-pharmacies provided systemically relevant answers to changing customer needs and market conditions.

The European model of supplying customers with pharmaceutical products is reliable and safe.

Online shoppers appreciate transparency, easy processes, cost benefits, delivery to their homes and – last but not least – discreet and high quality pharmaceutical consulting services.

“We support the European path to digital transformation and drive its implementation: the digital strategy, the data strategy and the European Commission's sustainability goals.”
Walter Hess
CEO der Zur Rose-Gruppe
CEO Zur Rose-Group
CEO du groupe Zur Rose
“Wir verstehen uns als europäische Denkfabrik für e-Health-Themen und kombinieren pharmazeutische Expertise mit Innovationskompetenz, um die Führungsposition Europas zu sichern.“
“We see ourselves as the European think tank for e-health issues and combine pharmaceutical expertise with innovation expertise to secure Europe’s leading position in this area.”
“Nous nous considérons comme le groupe de réflexion européen autour des questions liés à l’e-santé et nous combinons une expertise pharmaceutique avec une expertise dans l’innovation pour consolider notre position de leader dans ce secteur en Europe.”
Olaf Heinrich
Vizepräsident EAEP und CEO RedCare Pharmacy
Vice president EAEP and CEO RedCare Pharmacy
Vice-Président EAEP et CEO RedCare Pharmacy
“Wir setzen uns für eine moderne, patientenzentrierte Versorgung ein. Die digitale Transformation dient dazu, die Gesundheitsversorgung in Europa nachhaltig zu verbessern.“
“We are committed to a modern Patient centered care the digital transformation helps to improve healthcare in Europe sustainably.”
“Nous nous engageons pour des soins modernes et centrés sur le patient. La transformation numérique permet d'améliorer durablement les soins de santé en Europe.”
Vladimir Finsterle
Mitglied des Vorstands EAEP und CEO, Pears Health Cyber s.r.o.
Member of the Board EAEP and CEO, Pears Health Cyber s.r.o.
Membres du conseil EAEP et CEO,
Pears Health Cyber s.r.o.
“Wir setzen uns für Arzneimittelsicherheit und eine hohe Qualität in der pharmazeutisch-medizinischen Beratung ein. Die ist nicht nur besonders wertvoll für chronisch Kranke, sondern gibt allen PatientInnen auch Wahlfreiheit für eine sichere Selbstmedikation, die zudem das Gesundheitssystem entlastet.“
“We support and help build the European path to digital transformation: the European Commission’s digital strategy, its data strategy and its sustainability goals.”
“Nous soutenons et contribuons au parcours européen vers la transformation numérique : la stratégie numérique de la Commission Européenne, sa stratégie de données et ses objectifs de développement durable.”


The membership of the European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) is constantly growing across Europe.

Members are active in the following European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, and UK.

Join us

Become a member of the European think tank for e-health issues. The European Association of E-Pharmacies represents its members on both the domestic and the international level. The EAEP’s members already represent a majority of online pharmacy sales in Europe.

Membership also gives you a significant edge in knowledge to further shape the digital transformation of the healthcare system.

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Redcare Pharmacy
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Martino Canonico
Head of Brussels Office EAEP

+32 493842577
LinkedIn Profile

Natalie Barkei
Director Public Affairs

Charlotte van Velthoven
Director Public Affairs
Redcare Pharmacy