Presse Kontakt |
IEGUS-Gutachten: Online-Apotheken tragen zu einer flächendeckenden und kosteneffizienten Arzneimittelversorgung in Deutschland bei
Ein Gutachten im Auftrag der European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) belegt: Online-Apotheken sind eine etablierte Säule der deutschen Arzneimittelversorgung und werden in Zukunft noch weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen...
Mehr leseneHealth-CardLink: Gematik veröffentlicht finale Spezifikation für volldigitalen E-Rezept-Einlöseweg in Deutschland
Am gestrigen Donnerstag hat die Gesellschafterversammlung der gematik die finale technische Spezifikation für das TI-Produkt eHealth-CardLink beschlossen. Die European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) begrüßt die Möglichkeit, elektronische Verordnungen zukünftig auch volldigital per eGK ohne zusätzliche PIN-Eingabe einlösen zu können, ausdrücklich...
Mehr lesenEAEP fordert einen vollständig digitalen Einlöseweg für das E-Rezept
Der European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) begrüßt den deutschen Referententwurf (RefE) für das Digital-Gesetz (DigiG), mit der Zielsetzung die digitale Transformation des Gesundheitswesens zu beschleunigen und konsequent weiterzuentwickeln....
Mehr lesenEAEP als Impulsgeber und Thinktank Verband europäischer Online-Apotheken stellt sich neu auf
Brüssel/Berlin, 23.02.2021 – Der führende Verband der europäischen Online-Apotheken hat ein neues Vorstandsteam, einen neuen Namen und einen neuen Außenauftritt....
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes first Slovenian e-pharmacy (Lekarnar) as member
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) is delighted to announce the membership of Lekarnar, the leading Slovenian e-pharmacy, into its growing network of leading online pharmacies across Europe. With the addition of Lekarnar, the EAEP expands its footprint to 24 European markets and 39 members...
Mehr lesenIEGUS Study: Online pharmacies contribute to a comprehensive and cost-efficient supply of medicines in Germany
A qualitative and quantitative expert opinion on behalf of the European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) brings new evidence that online pharmacies are an established pillar of the German pharmaceutical supply system and will become even more so in the future...
Mehr lesenLeading Belgian e-pharmacy Newpharma joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the leading Belgian e-pharmacy, Newpharma, as its newest member. The membership base of the EAEP reaches 38 online pharmacies operating in 22 European markets...
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes Apomeds and Easymeds as new members
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes two new leading online pharmacies, Apomeds and Easymeds, as new members of the Association. The membership base of the EAEP reaches 38 online pharmacies operating in 19 European markets...
Mehr lesenOnHOME Alliance Launches to Champion Online Access to Prescription Medicines Across the EU
The Online Order and Home Delivery of Medicines (OnHOME) Alliance was officially launched on 29 October 2024 in Brussels. The launch event called on policymakers to take action towards enabling online access to prescription medicines for all patients across the European Union...
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) was nominated as observer of the European Commission’s eHealth Stakeholder Group, to assist in the preparation of policy initiatives and provide recommendations around e-health...
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) initiated a new alliance of patient organisations and industry stakeholders – OnHOME Alliance, with a view to showcasing the benefits of enabling patients to access prescriptions medicines online. So far, 10 signatories have joined the alliance, with more expected to co-sign the call to action in the coming weeks...
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) warmly welcomes the adoption of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation by the European Parliament, following the approval of the draft text by the Council of the EU. For the first time in history, an EU law recognises online pharmacies as key actors in the healthcare system, granting access to the newly created EU health data sharing infrastructure and avoiding further discrimination when delivering healthcare services to their patients...
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes Group’s leading online pharmacies as newest members
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes nine new leading online pharmacies, part of the German Group, as new members of the Association. The membership base of the EAEP reaches 35 leading online pharmacies operating in 19 European markets...
Mehr leseneHealth-CardLink: Gematik publishes final specification for a fully digital solution for the redemption of electronic prescriptions in Germany
Yesterday, the gematik's shareholders' meeting approved the final technical specification for the TI product eHealth-CardLink. The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the possibility of redeeming electronic prescriptions fully digitally via the electronic health card (eGK) in future without having to enter an additional PIN...
Mehr lesenEAEP joins EU Critical Medicines Alliance aiming to address vulnerabilities in supply chains
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) has been admitted as member of the newly-created EU Critical Medicines Alliance, a consultative platform to the European Commission and other EU decision-makers aiming to identify industrial challenges and determining the most suitable actions and tools to effectively address vulnerabilities in critical medicines supply chains. ...
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has joined the EU-funded POTENTIAL consortium as observer, with a view to ensuring the success of the future implementation of the EU Digital ID Wallet. ...
Mehr lesenOnHOME Alliance Launches to Champion Online Access to Prescription Medicines Across the EU
The Online Order and Home Delivery of Medicines (OnHOME) Alliance was officially launched on 29 October 2024 in Brussels. The launch event called on policymakers to take action towards enabling online access to prescription medicines for all patients across the European Union....
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), together with the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacy in the EU (ASOP EU), hosted an event in Brussels, shedding light on the benefits of enabling patients to obtain their prescription medicine through safe and secure digital solutions...
Mehr leseneFarma joins the EAEP, strengthening the voice of the sector in Europe
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes eFarma as its new Dutch member of the group. The Dutch online pharmacy will contribute to further strengthening the EAEP knowledge-sharing on prescription medicines and its mission...
Mehr lesenE-pharmacy sector urges measures to ensure available, accessible, affordable medicines in Europe
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) hosted an event in Brussels on Thursday, 26 October 2023, on “The EU Pharmaceutical Legislation – setting the right framework conditions for pharmacies”. On the occasion, EU representatives, industry stakeholders, patient organisations and e-pharmacies held an exchange on the ambitious revision of the existing rules governing the pharma sector, put forward by the European Commission...
Mehr lesenE-pharmacy sector to address cybersecurity & data protection challenges as part of new Committee
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has launched a new Committee to address challenges and opportunities stemming from the cybersecurity and data protection domain. Members of the Committee will aim to showcase the sector’s contribution to making existing legislation as well as ongoing discussions on new frameworks fit-for-purpose....
Mehr lesenFirst Danish online pharmacy to join the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), as the European organisation representing the e-pharmacy sector, is expanding the membership base to a new country – Denmark – with the admission of ApoPro as newest member. The EAEP is now active on 18 markets...
Mehr lesenCross-border online pharmacy Disapo joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents the voice of the e-pharmacy sector on the European continent, welcomes a new member,, among its group of leading online pharmacies...
Mehr lesenEAEP expands membership to leading e-pharmacy Vamida
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) is delighted to welcome a new member to the group. Vamida, a leading online pharmacy based in Czech Republic and operating in Austria, expands the footprint of the EAEP to 25 members...
Mehr lesenEAEP and All Policies for a Healthy Europe join forces to promote citizens’ health & well-being
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has officially joined All Policies for a Healthy Europe, with a view to contributing to its mission to put citizens’ health and well-being at the heart of European policy-making...
Mehr lesenEAEP calls for a fully digital redemption path for the e-prescription
Brussels, 14 August - The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the German draft bill (RefE) for the Digital Act (DigiG), and the implied (political) objective to accelerate and consistently develop the digital transformation of healthcare....
Mehr lesenLeading UK-based online pharmacy Pharmacy2U joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes its newest member – Pharmacy2U – to the group of leading online pharmacies in Europe. The EAEP is expanding the membership base to a new area – the UK, reaching 22 members...
Mehr lesenEAEP expands footprint to 17 markets with addition of Apotheka
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) is expanding the membership base with its first and sole member from the Baltic region, Apotheka. The EAEP now counts 24 members and is present on 17 European markets...
Together with seven healthcare organisations, the European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) released a joint statement urging policymakers in the European Parliament and Council of the EU to ensure a true level-playing field for patients and healthcare stakeholders in the European Health Data Space (EHDS), leaving no one behind...
Mehr lesenDelmed and Sparmed (Atida) join the EAEP, fuelling knowledge-sharing on cross-border healthcare
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes Delmed and Sparmed (Atida Plus BV) as new members of the Association. The Dutch online pharmacies are a pillar of Atida’s activities in Europe, and will contribute to further strengthening the EAEP and its mission...
Mehr lesenEAEP publishes Annual Report 2022, highlights sector’s strengthened voice
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), as the organisation representing the online pharmacy sector on the European continent, has released its 2022 annual report. The main achievements include a substantial growth in membership base and countries represented within the group, as well as successful advocacy initiatives...
Mehr lesenEuropean Parliament's Public Health subcommittee key to keep health an EU priority
The European Parliament has recently established a new subcommittee on Public Health, with the aim of dealing with programmes and specific actions in the field of public health, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the creation of the subcommittee and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration with its members, towards the strengthening of the European Health Union ...
Mehr lesenEAEP reaches 13 markets as first Irish member joins the group
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the first Irish member of the Association, which expands the markets represented within the EAEP to 13...
Mehr lesenFirst Bulgarian online pharmacy (Subra) joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-pharmacies (EAEP) is pleased to welcome its first Bulgarian member. Subra, a leading online pharmacy, expands the footprint of the EAEP to a new country as well as the voice of the e-pharmacy sector in Europe...
Mehr lesenOnline pharmacies contribute to keeping healthcare affordable, Dutch Health Minister says
The e-pharmacy sector welcomes the remarks from Dutch Minister of Health Mr Ernst Kuipers on the key role played by online pharmacies in making healthcare systems more accessible to patients...
Mehr lesenSwedish Presidency of the EU Council to continue work on EHDS and discuss pharmaceutical legislation
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), as the organisation representing the e-pharmacy sector in Europe, welcomes the incoming Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), and applauds the achievements of the outgoing Czech Presidency...
Mehr lesenEAEP expands French membership base with Soin et Nature
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), as the body representing leading online pharmacies in Europe, welcomes its newest member, Soin et Nature, as the second French e-pharmacy to join the group...
Mehr lesenCross-border online pharmacy joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents the voice of the e-pharmacy sector on the European continent, welcomes a new Dutch member,, among its group of leading online pharmacies. ...
Mehr lesenEAEP broadens network on digital health with ECHAlliance membership
To contribute to promoting access to and exchange with the e-pharmacy sector, as well as to broaden the network of digital health experts the European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has officially joined the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance). ...
Mehr lesen2022 EAEP event highlights need to boost digital health in Europe
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) hosted is first in-person event in Brussels on Thursday 27 October 2022. On the occasion, EU policymakers, industry stakeholders and civil society representatives, discussed opportunities and existing hurdles to digital health solutions...
Mehr lesenEAEP announces Dutch e-pharmacy Nationale Apotheek as new member
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents leading online pharmacies in the EU and EEA, is expanding its footprint in the Netherlands, with the addition of Nationale Apotheek as new member...
Mehr lesenLeading Italian online pharmacy Farmacosmo joins the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), as the European organisation representing the e-pharmacy sector, is expanding the membership base to a new country – Italy – with the admission of Farmacosmo as newest member...
Mehr lesenWorld Pharmacists Day: EAEP stands for innovation in healthcare
The EAEP underlines the pharmacists’ positive impact on health. As healthcare systems are increasingly digitalised and connected, pharmacists are adapting to innovative e-health tools and fast-paced processes and needs...
Mehr lesenThuisapotheek welcomed as new member of the EAEP
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents the voice of the e-pharmacy sector on the European continent, welcomes Thuisapotheek as new member of the EAEP family. As a leading online pharmacy in the Netherlands, Thuisapotheek will bring additional expertise to the EAEP...
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has joined the EU Health Coalition, a multi-stakeholder initiative looking at mapping the future of healthcare in Europe, with the goal of boosting the discussions on digital health at the EU level. ...
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has formed a new internal Committee to work on sustainability-related issues and showcase the e-pharmacy sector’s contribution to turning the EU into the first climate neutral continent by 2050...
Mehr lesenThe e-pharmacy sector welcomes the new Czech Presidency of the EU Council
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the incoming Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), and applauds the achievements of the outgoing French Presidency. The EAEP invites the new Presidency, as well as the whole Council of the EU, to dedicate the much-needed resources and attention to health-related initiatives, as this is a crucial moment for Europe to develop and implement a true European Health Union...
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes its two newest members Farmasiet and Pharma GDD
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents leading online pharmacies on the European continent, welcomes Farmasiet and PharmaGDD as new members of the EAEP family. As leading e-pharmacies respectively in Norway and France, Farmasiet and PharmaGDD will contribute to the EAEP’s activities aimed at creating a fair single market for digital health services...
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) welcomes the publication by the European Commission of the long-awaited European Health Data Space (EHDS), which is expected to contribute to tackling existing obstacles and enable the EU to make full use of the potential offered by a safe and secured exchange, use or reuse of health data, including e-prescriptions...
Mehr lesenEAEP releases Annual Report 2021 highlighting renewed positioning
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has released the Annual Report 2021, which outlines the renewed positioning adopted by the Association during the past year...
Mehr lesenEAEP proposes ad-hoc measures to halt growing sale of counterfeits online
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP) has put forward key proposals to address the sale of counterfeit goods online, as part of its feedback to the ongoing public consultation of the European Commission on an EU toolbox against counterfeiting. ...
Mehr lesenEAEP joins call for meaningful measures to tackle illegal products online
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), together with 85 other industry organisations, companies, and NGOs, urges EU policymakers to ensure that all intermediary service providers – not just online marketplaces – know who their business customers really are...
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes MedApp as its newest member
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents Europe’s leading online pharmacies, is delighted to welcome MedApp as new member of the family. MedApp is a Dutch e-pharmacy operating on the Dutch market which is at the forefront of innovation in healthcare and enables patient to buy their Rx online....
Mehr lesenEAEP appoints new Public Affairs Manager
Martino Canonico is the first Public Affairs Manager to assume this post. In his role, based in Brussels, Martino will be dealing with European legislation and policymaking relevant to the online pharmacies sector, to strengthen and accelerate the healthcare sector’s digital transformation. Martino as Public Affairs Manager will steer the advocacy and public affairs activities of EAEP, focusing on digitalisation in healthcare, e-commerce, data and sustainability. He will also closely work with the Board to coordinate internal and external activities aimed at promoting the EAEP and its network across Europe....
Mehr lesenStefan Feltens new EAEP president
With the start of the new year, Walter Hess, CEO of DocMorris N.V., alternately passed on the EAEP President baton to Stefan Feltens, CEO of SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE. Hess will remain part of the EAEP Board as Vice President. ...
Mehr lesenEAEP welcomes European Commision’s proposal to set up an open, secure and reliable European Health Data Space
The European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP), which represents Europe’s leading online pharmacies, supports enabling the free, controlled flow of primary health data with the aim of keeping Europeans healthy. The EAEP therefore welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to set up a legal framework for the European Health Data Space (EHDS) (EHDS). A common EHDS will promote better exchange and access to different types of health data such as electronic health records or data from patient registries. It will support healthcare delivery as well as cross-border health research....
Mehr lesenEAEP as a Driving Force and Think Tank European Association of Online Pharmacies Repositions Itself
Brussels/Berlin, 23 February 2021 – The leading association of European online pharmacies has a new board team, a new name and a new external image....
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